Archive for March 1st, 2009


So waiting seems to be all I do, and like most of the other ladies in my family, I don’t do wait.  We are trying to keep busy and make the time go by. I am trying to finish up some school with all the kiddos. I taught Kayla how to crochet and now she is working on a blanket for the baby. The older girls have been really good about keeping on top of the house hold duties while I rest and prepare for our new little one. I am truly blessed to have such helpful children.



We have been slowly preparing for our garden. The older girls and I started some seeds, and they are growing right along. We will soon be transplanting them into pots.


We have been enjoying this wonderful weather as much as possible.


We only have a few more days to wait and I want to make the most of them. I have been making list for the grocery store and a menu for the kiddos while I am away . I have prepared a few lunches and breakfast for the freezer to make things a little easier on my mom. If any of you didn’t know, the big day is Thursday, March 5th. I am so excited, and can’t wait to find out if we will be blessed with girl or a boy.